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Mandala Painting night @ Celeste
Mandala Painting night @ Celeste
13 Mar 2024, 18:30


"Saz is so patient.

She really helps

me express myself."

Nice to meet you!

I'm Saz,

I’m a colour lover, arty person with a huge passion for connection and creativity.

Welcome to my world!


I’ve always been arty, from a very young age I used to draw and paint probably before I could talk. It’s in my blood. My grandparents were very arty, my grandad taught me to draw and my grandma helped me paint. My dad taught me how to draw in perspective and my mum helped me learn pastels. It’s in the blood!


After following a corporate career in Advertising, I quickly realised that this wasn’t the life for me. I want to help people! So I quit my job, and that’s exactly what I did.


I’m an extremely authentic person, what you see is what you get. I’m emotional, random, excitable, and happy. I love life.


The reason I believe art can help us emotionally is because of my experience with my mental health. For years I struggled with anxiety, until I discovered how to calm my brain through art! It’s honestly so powerful.


I’m also training to be a counsellor, so in a few years I’ll be able to offer walking therapy which I’m very excited about. The strangest thing about my course is that I’m actually enjoying learning! (Mind blowing!) I believe art and counselling can help each other so much.


So, how can we work together?


I run therapeutic art workshops for humans of all ages and ability.

My workshops are very chilled, I don’t expect you to create masterpieces but I’ll teach you tips and tricks to help you along the way. I guarantee you will leave the sessions smiling, and calmer than you were when you arrived. Life is hard, let’s use creativity to help chill ourselves out.


I have monthly sessions at various venues, think ‘painting & prosecco’ but chilled and freer, we never all paint the same thing. What’s the point in that?! I love that you will create something that allows YOU to EXPRESS YOURSELF… see what I did there?


I also run a course in Chester “Express yourself with Saz” these sessions run in blocks of 14 weeks, based at Upton Village Hall. This course encourages you to really find who you are as an artist and hopefully discover new things about yourself. After 5 years teaching art, I have discovered my favourite saying “it’s not just about the art” people bring so much of their day and emotions to the sessions, as well as their self-belief.


My newest venture is into the world of retreats! Working with my friend Claire. We are hosting our first retreat in May! Wooop. I can’t wait. To find out more, click the ‘retreats’ page.

You may notice my fluffy little pal - Winnie - She's my 4 year old cockapoo, she loves coming to my art sessions. My lovely mum - Lynne - also joins me at my sessions as my assistant, she's re-discovering her love of art and it's so wonderful to share her journey! 


Talking of journeys, I can't wait to join you on your art journey! 


I can’t wait to meet you and find out about you!

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